Saturday, July 20, 2013

There is a Redeemer

There is so much that could be said about the book of Ruth.  I just finished preaching a four part sermon on the book a couple months ago so I'll try my best not to sermonize too much..  Maybe a little. 

Today I want to talk about Boaz the kinsman redeemer.  When Ruth and Naomi were in Bethlehem, while Naomi was determined to be bitter and resolved to die, Ruth was determined to live.   Ruth went out to glean in one of the locals field and by chance or by God's provision she came to a field owned by Boaz a close relative.  She followed behind the servants who gathered the barley and gleaned what was left behind.  When Boaz noticed her he did more than have pity on her... he was truly interested in her and determined to protect her.   Now we can't say that it was love at first sight.  I'll let the romantics who happen upon my blog to satisfy their imaginations if they wish.  Boaz out of his kindness even requested that his workers leave an extra measure of Barley behind and even to allow her to glean among the workers without sending her away.

When Ruth told Naomi of her good fortune Naomi was filled with hope again.  Eventually Naomi cooked up a plot where Ruth would make advances on the threshing floor by going to Boaz at night.   Boaz would know what to do.  He was an honorable man and would take Ruth as his wife if he was able.   Being that he was a close kin to Naomi he could take Ruth and redeem the land that was owned by Elimelech, Naomi's deceased husband.   To survive Naomi had planned to sell the property but a kinsman redeemer could buy the property and then give it back if you will to the owner in this case Naomi.  

 Boaz though deeply flattered and in love with Ruth had a problem.  Boaz knew that there was a closer kin who had the first right of redemption.  This fact and the fact that Ruth was much younger than he was the primary reason Boaz refrained from making the first advances himself.  However now that Ruth had approached him, he would settle the matter quickly.  At first the closest of kin took the right of redemption but refused once he realized that taking Ruth as his wife was a part of the deal as well.   Perhaps his present wife didn't like the idea?  but it probably also posed other financial burdens.... but you can read about that yourself.

Now the way was open for Boaz to redeem the land and to take Ruth as his wife.   A baby was soon on  the way and Naomi and Ruth would be safe and blessed for the rest of their lives.  It was a wonderful love story indeed and through that union Ruth's Name would join the most royal lineage. Her child would become the grandfather to King David and Ruth would eventually be included in the lineage of the most royal redeemer of all, Jesus Christ.

Boaz was what some might call a "type" of Christ.   We remember that Christ himself would redeem his people.  He would buy back our salvation through the gift of his blood which would pay the price and the punishment for our sins. 

Thanks be to God that we have a redeemer, Jesus Christ, who sees us in our times of despair.   He knows how helpless we are and though we like Ruth can only beg, Jesus offers us eternal life as a son or daughter of the king of kings!   No we are not received as servants or slaves.  We come as the bride of Christ bought by the blood of the lamb.  We are redeemed and all we have to do is approach Christ and humbly place ourselves in faith at the feet of Jesus.  

To ponder:   How blessed we are that Christ provides for us and protects us now and in the future.  We are his and there is nothing that can separate us from his love... Nothing.  Let us rejoice and walk as proud and thankful people.... brothers and sisters in Christ!

If you've not placed yourself at the feet of Christ to allow him to redeem your life I would invite you to pray with me and if you have join me as we rededicate our lives to Jesus.

Dear God I thank you for Christ who stands ready to receive me.  I thank you that he sees me in all of my sin yet for the sake of love calls me in and offers me forgiveness.  Lord right now I receive Jesus offer for my life.  I hand my life into his hands as my savior, redeemer and friend.   Forgive me of my sins.  Fill me with your Spirit and help me to walk with Jesus as my guild.  Thank you for accepting me as your child.   In Jesus name I pray,  Amen

If you prayed that prayer for the first time I encourage you strongly to find a church and talk with the pastor so he or she can celebrate with you and help you on the journey.  I would also be greatly honored if you would send me an email message at

God's blessings to us all as we walk through the word together.

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